Videos in English
Опубликовано: 16.10.2013 23:20
The End Of The Present World Conference, that was held on the 12th October 2013, at a prestigious venue in central London, explored alternative potentialities offered by the declining American unipolar world and the nascent Fourth Political Theory.
Опубликовано: 14.10.2013 23:44
The End Of The Present World Conference, that was held on the 12th October 2013, at a prestigious venue in central London, explored alternative potentialities offered by the declining American unipolar world and the nascent Fourth Political Theory.
Опубликовано: 14.10.2013 23:39
The End Of The Present World Conference, that was held on the 12th October 2013, at a prestigious venue in central London, explored alternative potentialities offered by the declining American unipolar world and the nascent Fourth Political Theory.
Опубликовано: 11.07.2013 14:07
Round-table discussion with Prof. Alexander Dugin and Russian intellectuals // ENGLISH ONLY VERSION
Опубликовано: 07.07.2013 06:39
Round-table discussion with Prof. Alexander Dugin and Russian intellectuals // Language: English, Russian
Опубликовано: 13.05.2013 01:56
Ethnosociology (prof. A.Dugin) Lecture 16. Synchronistic analysis. Conclusion of the course
Опубликовано: 13.05.2013 01:53
Ethnosociology (prof. A.Dugin) Lecture 15. Post-society: ethnos in trans-human conditions
Опубликовано: 13.05.2013 01:49
Ethnosociology (prof. A.Dugin) Lecture 14. Civil society: ethnosociological approach
Опубликовано: 10.05.2013 22:00
Ethnosociology (prof. A.Dugin) Part III. Post-ethnic types of societies 1. Nation as artificial construction 2. The real social nature of bourgois: it is not Third State
Опубликовано: 10.05.2013 00:56
Ethnosociology (prof. A.Dugin) Part III. Post-ethnic types of societies. Lecture 12. Laos/People 1. The ethnic split 2. Two ethnic structures 3. The conquest and its sociological consequences
Опубликовано: 09.05.2013 12:21
Ethnosociology Lecture11 of profesor Alexandr Dugin Ethnokinetic. Content 1. Split of the ethnos 2.Nomads and sheepherds in ethnic history
Опубликовано: 09.05.2013 12:18
Ethnosociology Lecture 10 of profesor Alexandr Dugin. Ethnodynamic Content 1. Repair the ethnos 2. Healing and afiirmation of the same
Опубликовано: 09.05.2013 12:16
Ethnosociology Lecture 9 of profesor Alexandr Dugin. Structures of ethnos Content 1. The balance as rule 2. Gender exchange 3. Total deliveries
Опубликовано: 02.05.2013 15:03
Ethnosociology Lecture 8 of profesor Alexandr Dugin Ethnostatic.Content 1. Ethnos as simple society 2. Absence of the social stratification
Опубликовано: 01.05.2013 01:37
Geopolitics and International Relations. Lecture of pr. Dugin. Piraias University. Athens, April 2013.
Опубликовано: 16.04.2013 10:57
Interview with Dimitris Konstantakopoulos. Greek crisis. GRA. Greece, Athens, April, 2013
Опубликовано: 16.04.2013 08:30
Geopolitics of Russia. Athenian lecture in Institute of International Relations. April 2013.
Опубликовано: 30.03.2013 01:07
Europe/Germany. Interview with Manuel Ochsenreiter (Zuerst!)
Опубликовано: 29.03.2013 17:32
Международная геополитическая конференция GROSSRAUM. Участиники: Global Revolutionary Alliance, Millenium (Италия).
Опубликовано: 21.02.2013 21:20
Peter Linke (Germany) speech in Teheran Iran and Eurasia conference. 19.02.2013.
Опубликовано: 21.02.2013 08:31
Interview of Alexandr Dugin with leading Iranian philosopher Gholamreza Avani on Henri Corbin, Martin Heidegger, Sohravardi, ibn Sina.
Опубликовано: 21.02.2013 01:37
Interview of Alexandr Dugin with leading Iranian philosopher Ayatollah S. Mostafa Mohaghegh Damad on Molla Sadra Shirazi, shi'a, philosophy in general. Teheran 17.02.2013.
Опубликовано: 21.02.2013 00:37
Alexandr Dugin speaks on Eurasia in Teheran conference. 19.02.2013.
Опубликовано: 27.12.2012 02:26
New issue of GRAnews on Syria.
Опубликовано: 27.12.2012 02:04
Mark Sleboda
Стратагемы GRA
Опубликовано: 27.12.2012 01:38
Тим Кирби в программе Offensive
Опубликовано: 21.11.2012 09:49
The Russian school of ethnology. Part 2. Content: 1. Lev Gumelev: ethnogenesis. 2. Cycles of ethnic life: the passionarity 3. The decline of ethnos
Опубликовано: 21.11.2012 09:48
The Russian school of ethnology. Part 1. Content 1. Sergey Shirokogorov: definition of ethnos 2. Ethnic processes: types. 3. Psycho-mental complex. 4. The centrality of shaman.
Опубликовано: 12.11.2012 15:36
French school of ethnosociology. Classics of sociology. Structural Anthropology. Durkheim, Mauss, Dumont.
Опубликовано: 02.11.2012 16:12
Contents: 1. English evolutionism 2. Edward Taylor 3. James George Frazer: The Figure of The Sacred King 4. Bronislaw Malinowski: Functionalism and Social Anthropology 5. Alfred Radcliffe-Brown: The Social Structure 6. Meyer Fortes: Sociology of The Time 7. Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard: Transmission of Cultures 8. Edmund Leach 9. Ernest Gellner: From the "Farmers" to The "Industry" 10. Benedict Anderson: The Nation as an Imagined Community and more...
Опубликовано: 01.11.2012 22:21
American School ethnosociology. Cultural anthropology. When meeting with the American school of ethno should consider the already mentioned circumstance connected with the name. That discipline, which in Germany (especially after Thurnwald and Myulmana) and Russia consistently called "ethno-sociology" in the United States has historically been known as "cultural anthropology."
Опубликовано: 22.10.2012 12:51
Ethnosociology. Lecture 2. The German school.
Опубликовано: 21.10.2012 13:19
Выступление Н. Сперанской. "Против глобализма"
Опубликовано: 21.10.2012 12:52
Ethnosociology. Lecture 1. Introduction to the main course.
Опубликовано: 29.08.2012 22:39
Prof. Dugin explains the principles of the Fourth Political Theory.
Опубликовано: 09.05.2012 01:03
Новости Глобального Революционного Альянса. Проект объединения различных политических сил мира в противостоянии глобальной олигархии, американской доминации и либеральному империализму. На сайте Альянса опубликован Манифест.
Опубликовано: 29.03.2012 23:27
GRA-news episode 1
Опубликовано: 29.03.2012 23:18
GRA-news episode 2
Опубликовано: 25.11.2011 20:16
Доклад публициста, политолога Марка Слебоды на секции "Традиция против Постмодерна" международной научной конференции "Against Post-Modern World".
Опубликовано: 09.11.2011 06:16
Выступление шейха Яхьи Серджио Паллавичини на международной научной конференции "Against Post-Modern World".
Опубликовано: 02.11.2011 21:50
Итоги международной научной конференции Against Post-Modern World подводят Александр Дугин, Клаудио Мутти, Кристиан Буше и Лоран Джеймс.
Опубликовано: 01.09.2011 11:49
США и Россия. Россия при Елицине и Путине. СССР и США. Лекция Александра Дугина в институте Джона Хопкинса. США, Вашингтон, 2005 (english)
Опубликовано: 30.08.2011 14:56
Фрэнсис Фукуяма о вызовах времени, модернизации и вариантах "конца истории" (english). США, Вашингтон, 2005